Google Keywords

Keywords are the key so that your website will be found. A Keyword is a term or set of terms that users use when they search in the search engine. The maximum of keywords you can use are 10, and you can use different keywords for different landing pages. The Keyword analysis it's used to develop a method to construct keywords so that the offer can be found.


To find your perfect Keywords you can do a brainstorming, an analysis of competitors, a customer survey, use the Google Analytics, internal log files, synonyms, and also the Google Keyword Planner, which will show you the best keywords for your web, which will create more traffic in you page.


Keywords can be used for your website optimisation in the URL, in the path of a website, in the page title, in the text, and titles, in pictures and in pages descriptions, and in alternative text for pictures and videos. On a business Google Keywords are very important to find a page on Google Search and also if you want to display an add on the Internet.